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Trial Garden Work Team Sign Up

We need everyone’s help in maintaining the Trial Garden! We have received the maximum amount of entries for our garden this season. The North Central Trial Garden is 1 of only 7 ADS Trial Gardens currently and is the crown jewel of the Minnesota Dahlia Society. It is also a major attraction at the Arboretum in the fall when the dahlias are in bloom. Working in the Trial Garden is also a great way to learn about dahlia cultivation from the experts in the Society by getting hands on experience!

Please use the electronic sign-up through SignUpGenius:

Click on SignUp Genius Tutorial

If you are unable to commit to a work team, you can select specific dates that work for your schedule.  If you would like to get some extra time in the garden, feel free to sign up for additional days.

The Trial Garden Work Team Coordinator will send emails each week to those signed up for the week’s upcoming team.  Emails will indicate what work will need to be done for the upcoming shift as well as any other notices or information that may be pertinent.

Things to Bring

  1. Water and snacks

  2. Sunscreen and bug spray

  3. Buckets/baskets

  4. Garden gloves

  5. Knee pads/garden seats

  6. Gardening tools (i.e. weeding tools and cutting tools)

  7. A jar of 10% bleach solution for disinfecting tools between each plant


The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum is located at 3675 Arboretum Drive Chaska, MN 55318

The Trial Garden is located half way through Three Mile Drive just past the Shrub Roses. There is a small parking lot behind the Trial Garden.

Dahlia Trial Garden workers get free admission to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Let staff know at the gate that you are with the MDS and will be working in the Trial Garden.


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