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The Peoples Choice

People’s Choice Award from the 2017 State Fair show goes to Gary Minor for his Harts Bonnie. This is a new variety that is hard to find so we were blessed to have it entered in this competition.

Tally of the entries AC Firefly 346 Showcase Magnifico 62 Harts Bonnie 460 -Winner Apapu Night 28 Vista Lindsey 12 Optic Illusion 33 Sonsy Sue 256 Unknown Variety 60 Harvey Koop 182 Diadem Aitara 344

The Minneapolis Dahlia Society created this category (PC1) to involve the public by giving them a vote. It is limited to a single bloom but there are no other restrictions. The winner is chosen by the public, by popular vote.

The winner receives a cash award of $10 at our annual awards banquet.

Congratulations Gary and thanks to the public for your participation.


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