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Judges’ Workshop Summer 16

Please mark your calendars for our next judges’ meeting to be held in the Trial Garden at the Arboretum August 13 at 9:30 AM.  Please consider coming earlier to help our weekly work Team 3 with garden maintenance.  If you are deficient in training hours please try to attend.

This is our opportunity to get a first look at our assigned entries as a team and make initial classifications.  We will also have a brief discussion of any updates/concerns for the upcoming shows.  Please review procedures for point-scoring and written nomenclature.  BYOC (bring your own chair)…bug spray, sunscreen, umbrella, water, etc.

Please print off score sheets from the MDS or ADS web sites, and add to your judging materials along with the ADS virus brochure.  (Cindy and Larry-please bring the Color Charts from last year.)

Team One:     Larry & Sue B, Randy S, George B, John M, John K, Gregg S

Entries to Judge:  01, 05, 09, 13, 17, 22

Team Two:     Cindy & Jon S, Lois Ann & Erin H, Karen H, Sandra W, Gene W, Mark B

Entries to Judge:  02, 06, 10, 14, 18

Team Three:   Karen & Heidi Z, Erica L, Carolyn K, Sue K, Susie S, Dave L

Entries to Judge:  03, 07, 11, 15, 19   *extra 11 at end of 2nd SW seedling row

Team Four:     Chuck S, Gary U, Chuck K, Kyle C, Mary M, Joan V

Entries to Judge:  04,08, 12, 16, 20     *extra 12 & 20 at SW row before stake 19


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