Eugene (Gene) G. Will Passes
Updated: Jan 29, 2022

October 18, 1934 - October 10, 2021
The Minnesota Dahlia Society mourns the passing of Gene Will. Gene was a lifetime member, Senior Dahlia Judge, and a Master Gardener with Sherburne County. He was a confident judge, consistantly quick and sure with his choices. I could always spot Gene in the crowd, wearing his familiar jean jacket. Gene was a good egg and we are missing him already.
Below is the Obituary as printed in the Union-Times.
Eugene G. Will, 86 of Zimmerman, MN, died Sunday, October 10, 2021, at Fairview Northland Medical Center, Princeton.
Eugene was born as the only child of George and Eva (Schwartz) Will on October 18, 1934, in New Ulm. He was raised and educated in Minneapolis. As a young man, Eugene was commissioned as an Officer in the United States Navy in 1955, ultimately retiring from the Naval Reserve in the early
After completing his active service with the Navy in the mid-1960s, he served as a pilot for Trans World Airlines in Kansas City, MO, until his return to Minnesota in the late 1970s. Eugene worked various jobs in Minnesota until eventually settling in Zimmerman.
Eugene was a long-time member of the Minnesota Dahlia Society and earned his rating as a Master Gardener. He was also active as a philatelist (stamp collector) and was a member of the German Philatelic Society and the U.S. Precancel Stamp Society.
Eugene is survived by his two sons, Kevin (Denise) Will of Grand Blanc, MI and Kent Will of Oshkosh, WI; and two grandsons, Bradley and Jonathan Will.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
Services will be held at a later date.