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Chuck Spragg passed away 3/21/2020

Sylvia and Chuck

Chuck has passed to Eternal Life with the Resurrected Christ. Please pray for Chuck’s wife Sylvia, their family and all who love them as we mourn our loss and celebrate his life.

Mass of Christian Burial is being postponed at this time and is tentatively anticipated in the fall.

Obituary will be posted as soon as it becomes available.

Rest eternal grant unto our brother Charles, O Lord of Hope: and let light perpetual shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in Peace. Amen.

Saturday evening I lost my husband and best friend of 57 years. My heart and soul aches. I hope he knows how much I miss him already.

We wish to express our deepest appreciation to all of you for your prayers and well wishes through this journey.

Love and blessings,

Sylvia, Michael, Kathy and Andrea, Shelly and Maria and Baird

His last bloom entry 2019

Our society lost a beloved member on March 21, 2020. Chuck Spragg, age 80, of Richfield, MN passed away peacefully at his home and he will be greatly missed by all of us. He was a lifetime member of the Minnesota Dahlia Society and an avid grower and exhibitor of dahlias.

Chuck was always ready to lend a helping hand. He was the first to respond and help with all club events when the call went out. Chuck annually lead a work team at the North Central Trial Garden located at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. He eagerly shared his vast knowledge and enthusiasm for growing dahlias with everyone. Chuck also helped construct the permanent fence around our trial garden at the Arb. It still stands today and successfully keeps the deer, turkeys, groundhogs, and rabbits from eating the newly planted entries. This gift alone will keep on giving for many years to come, and we thank you for that Chuck!

Chuck was a respected ADS Senior Accredited Judge and judged blooms at too many State Fairs to count. I always loved it when I was placed with Chuck to judge at shows. He was patient, kind, fair and knowledgable, and I always learned so much from him. Chuck was also a member of our club’s accreditation committee.

He always said he loved people and greeted everyone as his best friend in his cheerful and welcoming manner. He was helpful to me early on when I had just started out growing dahlias. I was having problems with slugs. Chuck invited me over to his garden and gave me a glass jar full of slug-bait granules and told me how to sprinkle them around my plants to keep the slugs at bay. Chuck always gave more than he received.

Our condolences go out to Chuck’s wife Sylvia and their family and to all the people whose lives he touched.

Sandra Ward

ADS Representative



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