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2020 MDS Dahlia of the Year

Weston Spanish Dancer

Weston Spanish Dancer was selected as the Minnesota Dahlia Society’s 2020 Dahlia of the Year. This dahlia’s title plays into our 2020 show themes of ‘Dancing with Dahlias’ and the ‘Roaring 20s’. Unfortunately, we were not able to obtain any tubers for our sale.

Weston Spanish Dancer

ADS Class: 4312

Size: Miniature (M) bloom size up to 4 inches

Form: Cactus (C)

Color: Flame Blend (FL) RD24/YL18

This dahlia cultivar was introduced in 2000 by T. E. McClelland of Bulkington, Warks, England. This dramatic and vibrant small cactus dahlia has approximately 3.5-inch blooms of bright yellow in the center with vibrant red tips. Winner of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit. Grows to a height of 3 feet. Loaded with vibrant flame-colored blooms. Very productive cut flower and consistent show winner.


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