[Bachman’s Show]
General Meeting – Monday, May 13, 2019
Please join us as we march into spring.
Pot Luck Dinner at 6:15 p.m. followed by the monthly business meeting and an educational presentation. General Meetings are held at the Oak Grove Lutheran Church on 7045 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55423. Enter at the east entrance on Augsburg Avenue. Non-members are welcome to join us!
Education Topic: “The Category of Artistic Arrangement and what the Judges are looking for,” presented by Sue Bagge and Phyllis Andrews.
Sue has over 35 years of Ikebana and show coordinator at Como Park Zoo & Conservatory in 2016. She is also is an Minnesota State Horticulture Society judge and instructor at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Phyllis is the Flowers Superintendent of Minnesota State Fair and a past president of Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota and still an active flower arrangement designer and judge. Phyllis was kind enough to write this article on arranging.
Dahlia Planting
People that bought tubers at our sale have been asking when to plant them. Scientifically, you should plant them outside when the ground is 60 degrees F. As you can see on this graphic, ground temperature as of May 1st, is running cooler than average. We usually advice planting on Mothers day but it may be a week or so later this year. you can use a thermometer or check one of the websites.
Tuber Swap
If you have any extra tubers or dahlia starts, bring them to the meeting to swap or sell with other members.
MDS still has some tubers to sell so at this meeting they will be just $5.00 each.
Soil Testing
As discussed at the previous general meeting, you can bring in a soil sample and Rick will deliver them to the U of MN Soil Testing Lab.
If you would like to take advantage of this offer, print out and fill in the soil test form provided below. Bring the completed form with your soil sample and a check made out to the University of Minnesota, for the amount noted for the test you would like. Rick will drop the soil sample packages off at the U of M Soil Testing Lab for the analysis. Results will be sent to you directly.
MNU Soil Test Form
You can also mail it directly to the U of MN Soil Testing Lab. Instructions for gathering and mailing the sample is included on the form.
For additional information on the U of MN’s soil testing, check out their website which is packed full of additional information: http://soiltest.cfans.umn.edu/
Did You Buy 5+ Tubers But Didn’t Get a Free Tuber?
Member John Enstrom very generously donated 140 tubers as incentives for larger sales. But that wasn’t enough for the large numbers of the public that came to the sale, so the decision was made to offer them to non-members first. John doesn’t want anyone to feel slighted, so he plans to bring more tubers to the meeting. He will be selling tubers but if you tell him that you didn’t get a free tuber at the sale (and you bought more than 5) then he will give you one free. Thanks John!