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2018 Dahlias of Today Publication

As mentioned at our February general meeting, the Puget Sound Dahlia Association publishes an annual news publication on dahlias, Dahlias of Today. This publication is a great resource for all dahlia growers.

“Our outstanding annual brings news from the flower shows, descriptions of new varieties from both local and international growers, tips for growing better dahlias, and profiles of popular dahlia experts. Altogether, a great read and a valuable resource for years to come!” – the PSDA on Dahlias of Today

A copy of this publication is $18.25 (includes domestic shipping).

The PSDA also offers another publication; Dahlias: A Monthly Guide. 

“The nation’s most popular growing guide. This 48 page, fully illustrated publication is your month-by-month primer on dahlia culture; it offers well-seasoned, authoritative advice for beginners and expert growers. There is nothing like it!” – the PSDA

An individual copy costs $8.25 (includes domestic shipping).

If you would like to purchase your copy of the 2018 Dahlias of Today and/or Dahlias: A Monthly Guide, you can submit your order by mail using the below order form or you can pay via PayPal using the email address: PSDATreasurer@comcast.netPSDA Publication Order Form

[button link=”” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Download pdf[/button]



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