December General Meeting and Holiday Party.
General Meeting held at the Oak Grove Lutheran Church. Monday the 11th @ 6:15 pm 7045 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis. Enter at the east entrance on Augsburg Ave.
Please plan on joining fellow members and guests for a potluck meal and annual holiday party. MDS will provide the main meat dish. Bring a sa
lad , hot dish, or seasonal treat to share. Don’t forget to bring your tableware. Meal is followed by a brief business meeting and Holiday fun: The Year in Review movie and the White Elephant Gift game.
Non-members are always welcome.
We will be electing board members for a number of positions; so if you have been thinking that you would like to be more involved, this is your opportunity to explore how you can contribute your talents and skills!
NOTE: ADS and MDS membership dues for 2018 are due by the end of the year. So plan to renew at the meeting, if you haven’t already. Cash, check, or credit cards accepted. Make check out to MDS.
Please bring a gift to play the holiday game!