Saturday, January 24 Quarterly Judges’ Meeting Validation of 2014 judge activity records TG Discussion: Thinking with the TG director/committee Ppt review and evaluation of MDS 2014 show judging A study in Dahlia Classification and TG judging outcomes Ppt study of the 2014 Trial Garden entries: comparison of our results with other Trial Gardens and official ADS scores.
Saturday, May 2? tentative Quarterly Judges’ Meeting 2015 Classification changes and other changes in CHD Trial Garden judge and work team sign-ups Other possible topics of interest: Color and Form review, judging pom and anemone types? Suggestions? Prep for 2015 shows-judge issues/changes for show schedule
May Judge Class (depending on interest or every other year) 9-week course-TBA
Saturday, August 15? tentative Quarterly Judges’ Meeting at the Trial Garden (seedling judging opp) Review judging procedures for shows; ADS and seedling bench protocol; review nomenclature for full and open-center types; Initial team judging of assigned Trial Garden entries.
SHOW TIME!(seedling judging opportunity at BOTH shows) TG Wrap-up Judging Day (seedling judging opp) (9-12-15?) Turn in score sheets
Saturday, October 24? tentative Quarterly Judges’ Meeting and Annual Refresher Ppt review and evaluation of MDS show judging; discussion of judging issues/concerns; national show and ADS annual meeting updates; sharing from other shows; update judge activity records
Judges Calendar 2015